" See me ! "
Gold sprayed paper plates costume on a frame of wood with metal needles , belonging to an old weaving machine, measures: 152 x 42 cm
Koppenbrink fighting again.
- She appears in this costume on" Musikmesse Frankfurt 2012 " with a purpose: She wants to talk to the merchants and violin makers about Eric Blot, luthier and merchant,only to get in touch with him, Eric Blot, the most known strings connaisseur in the world. Over years he had her very old and precious "Gasparo da salo Bertolotti " viola, ( he didn't want to certificate, ) in his hands. The order was, to offer it to a customer. He neglected the instrument year after year, sixyaears already, and then, after she didn't contact him for three years, opened the instrument, without order or permission or information from his side to her, setting himself the owner, perhaps hoping, she might be dead meanwhile.....
- The second performance in this costume: An FDP promotion party in NRW , Bielefeld, Ringlogschuppen, march 2013. The cover : " Freedom of Art" While having breakfast and listening to the music, she announces herself to sing an old german song. " Die Gedanken sind frei ", changed in " Meine Taten die sind frei.." The organizers, trying to push her back immediatly, in fear of an attack.In a sudden she is on stage, nevertheless singing, but is stopped by microphone music and the organizers, hiding carefully violence and rage. They push her out of the room. Outside policemen wait for her, but the organizers,- asked by embarrassed people ,by and by recognize their doing and that they do it under the flagg of " Freedom of Art. " The result: Policemen get the order, to release her.- Afterwards, politicians and public have a discussion about " Freedom of Art " The best show ever in NRW, Germany 2013.